Want to submit an article? Here's how
If you want to write an article which looks at any environmental issues in the north of England, I'd love to hear from you
Some readers have expressed an interest in writing for this newsletter so here’s some submission guidelines to help you get started.
Before writing an article for the The Northern Eco, please do notify me of your interest via email sarah@thenortherneco.com.
Articles should be submitted via the same email address preferably on a shared Google document or suitable alternative by attachment. They should generally be under 1,000 words, or up to 1,500 if the content merits it. No article should be shorter than 350 words.
Aim for:
An attention-grabbing short headline that says what your article is about – try to make titles exciting and relevant to the content, and include keywords that people might use to search for it on social media.
A standfirst at the top of the article which appears above the image. This should be no more than 140 characters long, including any spaces, and once again should incorporate keywords.
A strong opening paragraph to hook the reader, which includes those keywords.
Logical sequencing throughout, including within and between paragraphs – start, middle, end – take the reader on a journey (but not a magical mystery tour!).
A subheading every 200 words or so to guide the reader – remember those keywords again.
A clear ending – don’t just tail off …
At least one ‘quotable’ sentence to use on social media – this can be the opening or closing sentence, or something in the middle – in under 280 characters.
All articles should be accurate, with sources provided to supporting evidence where appropriate. The Northern Eco encourages a range of writing styles and your voice is unique. You are pitching your article to an audience that is interested in the north of England and engaged in environmental issues, but don’t assume any pre-existing knowledge or expertise.